I came across this formula for achieving goals at work. I’ve put this formula into practice for quite some time now and I say I experienced good results with it. So if you want to achieve more goals, this is for you.
The formula is as follows.
Step 1 – Decide Exactly What You Want
The first step may be obvious, but definitely important. To be able to achieve your goal, you should first identify what you actually want to achieve. That means you have to be clear and concise of your goal.
Try to sit down with yourself to identify what it is you really want. It would also be good to be able to identify why you want to achieve that goal.
Step 2 – Write It Down
Once you have identified what you want to achieve, you then write it down. You can write on paper what you want to achieve (preferred) or put it in a digital format. Either way, it is important that you put that goal in mind a place wherein it would be easy for you to go back and review it.
Step 3 – Set a Deadline
Next, you should identify all the tasks that you need to do in order to accomplish and achieve this goal in mind. Think of it as a to do list of some sort, where completing a specific task would help you achieve you goal.
This step would help give you a visual picture of the goal and also get the bigger picture of the goal.
Step 5 – Organize the List into a Plan
Now that you have a list of action items, you now have a better understanding of the things that you need to do. To improve on that further, identify the priority and sequence of each and sort them. Big goals make it seem they are hard to achieve, but it is easier to achieve them when you break them down into smaller, easily achievable tasks sorted by priority.
Step 6 – Take Action Immediately
Do anything related to your goal immediately. An average plan that is executed well and effectively is better than a great plan that’s poorly executed. Actions are the actual steps that bring us closer to our goals.
Step 7 – Do Something Everyday that Moves You Toward your Goal
By having a formula in achieving goals, you’ll be more than able to achieve what you set to do than having no plans whatsoever. You can accomplish more in less time by leveraging this new learned knowledge.
What’s stopping you from achieving your goals are work? Comment below. I’ll do my best to help.