I am currently reading a book from from 2 Googlers (they work at Google). Book title is Make Time.
One thought that stood out on what they have shared is to Make Time is to identify what is the highlight of your day.
Identifying your highlight allows you to set what is the main priority of your life for that day.
And by identifying your daily highlight, it allows you to see which matters the most to your life at that point.
It is the focal point of what you will be doing.
A daily highlight could be as simple as a task that you have to do.
Some examples would be:
I am currently reading a book from from 2 Googlers (they work at Google). Book title is Make Time.
They key thing here is that YOU select what is your daily highlight.
You are the one identifying what is the most important thing for you that day.
You should base it on what is the most important to you, on what is aligned with your goals.
Select and choose base on your priority, not the priority of others.