I’ve recently watched a Youtube video by Penny Taylor on how to become a Transformational Leader.

This topic interests me because I want to improve on my leadership skills. I’m currently aiming for a new position in our organization and my current skills and capabilities, especially my current leadership style won’t fit that role.

Based on what I have read, there are different kinds of leaderships. I took some leadership exams and the feedback I usually get is that I am more of a democratic leader. Basically this approach is a collaborative style of leadership wherein the leader collaborates with the group to make a decision. As mentioned, this style will not necessarily fit in my current role because it taps onto the skills and capabilities of my team as well.

For me to achieve my goals, I need to be a transformational leader. Transformational leadership is a kind of leadership style wherein the leader makes everyone in the team better. And as you would’ve guessed, I’m pretty much a self-development guy. I am passionate about being better, even if it’s just 1% every day.

With that, I’ve watched some YouTube videos about transformational leadership and this actually helped me to not only understand what it is, but more importantly suggested some steps to take to be able to implement in on my own.

With that, here are the 5 steps to becoming a Transformational Leader.
The YouTube video shares the steps quite differently, but here is my own leveling/arrangement of the steps.

Develop an Inspiring Vision For The Future

One of the most important things in being a transformational leader is to develop an inspiring vision for the future. 

Leaders should look into the future, not just want is happening on the present. A vision is a signpost. It tells the people WHERE you are going, but it does not necessarily say how you are going to do it. 

In 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, the leader should identify where the organization should be. The leaders should show the direction of where they are going. What is the “true north”. 

It is also important to involve the team in building that vision so that would also have a sense of ownership and optimism, and would likely to help you more achieve the vision. 

As discussed before, inclusiveness (see my blog post) is very important and it is a key skill that a leader should implement. Asking the team to also build the vision allows them to feel that something is achievable, that it is something that they can deliver because they are part of that creation of vision.

Identify the Strengths and Weaknesses of the team

Identify the ambitions, wants and needs, plans, development needs, of your team members. It is important to understand your people.

Get to know them. Understand their key skills and capabilities, where they are going, what are they good at, what are their problems, etc. 

Be proactive to get to know them because as a leader, it is your responsibility. 

Since you have already identified the vision and plan, what you also need to do next is to make sure that your team members are suited in the positions that they are in. It is important that they are placed in key functions that they are really good at, but also in a position that they like. 

This is important because by doing so, not only are we leveraging or utilising their skills, but they are in a position that they like being there. It is also important to consider that the position they are in is aligned with where they want to be in the future. They should have an opportunity to also grow.

Motivate everyone to buy into that vision

What are the things that motivate our people? What things are important to each people in the team? 

We need to understand what motivates our people so we can give them what they need. We should do that because we want our people to perform at their very best.

Involve yourself in the delivery of the vision

As a leader, you should be a role model. Since we are planning to deliver a vision, as a leader you should also be part of that delivery. You should walk the talk. 

It is not good if as a leader you develop the vision with the team, but you give all the responsibility to them. It is important to make the team feel that you are part of the team, that you also do your part, that you make them feel that the success and failure of the vision is also your fault as a leader. Support each and everyone in the team as needed. 

Don’t only give people tasks that you know they are good at, but based on their plans and strengths also, give them tasks that will stretch them and make them improve. Goals need to be smart. Make sure that your presence is felt, that you are available to talk. Encourage discussions and raising questions. 

Make them feel, and also be honest about it, that you are also there for them, just like that they are here for you.

Develop Stronger relationship with the team

The leader is as strong as the team. You can’t do it without them and they cannot do it without you. So it is also important that as a leader, you help them to become better, and it turn the team will help you to be better also. 

Make sure that you have regular meetings either per month or per quarter, and 1 to 1 sessions. 

Talk about their development needs, and how they are growing so that they can take on more significant projects. Consider also being a mentor and a coach, and identify the next successor.

This is important because if you also have a successor, you can also have different goals / bigger responsibilities. Only by building your people will you be able to go further. If no one will take over your role, how can you expect to have a different, a bigger role? 

Another key thing here also is honesty. Let the person know that they are doing a good job, but also let the other person know that they are not doing a good job. One key here is to build trust. And there is nothing better for building trust than by being honest with each other. Have this open door policy.

So that’s it, I hope you have learned about being a transformational leader. Remember, you only get as far as the team would bring you. You can’t do it alone. Help your team so that they can help you.