100% FREE 1-on-1

The 30-Minute Threads Success System

Learn the Simple Sunday Planning System That Unlocks 7 Hours of Consistent Content Creation ($199 value for expert guidance, yours FREE!)

What Will You Get?

60-Minute Strategy Session

Learn how to optimize your schedule to dedicate 7 full hours to Threads each week. We'll create a personalized plan that fits your unique lifestyle and commitments.

Accountability Partnership

Stay on track with regular check-ins designed to keep you motivated and consistent. You'll have someone in your corner, celebrating your wins and helping you overcome obstacles.

14-Day Priority Support

Get answers and guidance for 14 days when you need them most through priority email and text support.

Don't Just Take My Word For It

The Power of Daily Consistency

Balancing Life and Threads

Hi, I’m Vikko.

I've been in your shoes—balancing a full-time job, an online business, and family while trying to grow my Threads account.

With over 10,000 hours of planning experience, I discovered that success doesn’t come from working harder, but smarter. In just a year, I grew my Threads community from 20 to 2,500+ followers by simply sticking to a plan.

The best part? It only takes 30 minutes every Sunday to create a roadmap for the week. Let’s work together to build a plan that not only fits your busy life but also propels you toward consistent growth on Threads.


100% Free, One-Time Session. No sales pitch – just pure value.